




城南二哥2021-07-27 14:53:32牛津布资讯783来源:牛津布_防水牛津布_牛津布面料网
  E组: 买方负责全部花费
  EX: Ex Works 工厂交货,卖方义务少(minimum obligation)卖方负责出口清关则为FCA
  F组: 买家负责运费,风险以买方所在国交货划分FOB: Free On Board
  买家:支付货款,进口清关,托运并通知卖家,决策购买保险和否,接受单据收取货物,承担出口国港口装船交货后风险出口美国应注意FOB Vessel才需要由卖方负责出口清关手续FCA: Free Carrier 货交承运人,其实就是FOB的扩展,适用于任何运输方式。
  卖方可协助安排运输,但花费和风险由买方负责FAS: Free Along Ship,近似FOB,风险交接点变成船边码头或驳船靠边,而不是船舷C组: 卖家负责运费,风险以买方所在国交货划分CFR: Cost and Freight
  卖家:港口交货,出口清关,托运并及时充分地通知买家(sufficient notice),以便买家办理保险,提供装船提单、商业发票,承担港口装船交货前风险买家:支付货款,进口清关,决策购买保险和否,接受单据收取货物,承担出口国港口装船交货后风险CPT: Carriage paid to 运费付至,CFR的扩展,卖家负责托运CIF: Cost, insurance and Freight
  卖家:港口交货,出口清关,托运并办理保险,提供装船提单、商业发票、保险单,承担港口装船交货前风险买家:支付货款,进口清关,接受单据收取货物,承担出口国港口装船交货后风险CIP: Carriage and Freight Paid to 运费、保险付至,CIF扩展,卖家负责托运和投保D组: 卖家所在国交货,卖方负责运费,风险以卖方所在国交货划分DAF: Delivered At Frontier,边境交货,买方负责托运和投保,承担货物交接后风险DES: Delivered Ex Ship,目的港船上交货,卖方负责到达目的港前一切花费和风险,卖方负责进口清关,也叫EXS
  DEQ: Delivered Ex Quay,DES变型,目的港码头交货卖方负责码头上交货前一切花费和风险,也叫EXQDDU: Delivered Duty Unpaid,未完税交货,DEQ的扩展,适合任何运输方式DDP: Delivered Duty Paid,完税交货,卖家负责进出口清关,交货前一切花费和风险,卖方义务多maximum obligation
  Price including commission US$335 per metric ton CIF New York including 2% commissionUS $ 300 per metric ton CIFC2% New York 每公吨335美元CIF2%纽约US $ 300 per metric ton FOB Shanghai less 2% discount 每公吨FOB上海减折扣2%US $ 300 per metric ton FOB Shanghai net 每公吨300美元FOB 上海净价货物交付
  Time of delivery 交货时间 F和C组术语条件下,两者是一致的;Time of shipment 装运时间 由于推定交货和实际交货的区别,两者好还是区别使用Constructive Delivery 推定交货
  Actual Delivery 实际交货
  Port of Shipment 装运港,可一个或多个,具名或只注范围,如China PortPort of Destination 目的港,对卖方而言,好比较确定、可行Partial Shipment 分批装运分批装运 shipment by instalmentsTransshipment 转运
  Shipment during Oct. /Nov. 2009 with partial shipments and transshipments allowedShipment at or before/ no later than the end of JuneShipment: one 40’ container from China port to New York, USA on or before Apr. 20thShipment within 60 days after receipt of L/C这种条款一般同时也需要规定L/C到达期限The Buyers must open the relevant L/C to reach the Sellers before June 20thDuring Mar./Apr. in two equal lots/shipments, transshipment is prohibitedShipment during May from Shanghai to London. The sellers shall advise the Buyers 45 days before the month of shipment of the time the goods be ready for shipment. Partial shipment is prohibited, to be transshipped at Hong Kong三、海运提单 B/L Bill of Loading
  On Board B/L=Shipped B/L, Received For Shipment B/L已装船提单,备运提单(收讫待运提单)
  提单签发日期 B/L date = 装船日期 Shipment dateClean B/L, Unclean B/L=Foul B/L 清洁提单,不清洁提单Straight B/L, Bearer B/L, Order B/L
  记名/收货人抬头提单,不记名/来人抬头提单,指示提单to bearer 货交提单持有人或者留空
  to order/to the order of 凭指示/凭某人指示 ->承运人背书(空白、记名)Direct B/L, Transshipment B/L, Through B/L直达提单,转船提单,联运提单
  Liner B/L, Charter Party B/L 班轮提单,租船提单Long form B/L, Short Form B/L 全式提单,略式提单Original B/L, Copy B/L, Full Set B/L 正本提单,副本提单,全套提单Stale B/L, On Deck B/L, House B/L 过期提单,甲板提单,运输代理行提单四、集装箱 Container
  FCL 整箱货,full container load
  LCL 拼箱货,less than container load
  CY 堆场,container yard
  CFS 集装箱货运站,container freight stationD/R 场站单据,dock receipt,堆场收据,装船后可换B/LCLP 装箱单,container load plan
  CTB/L 联运提单,combined transport B/L
  MTD 多式联运单据,multi-modal transport documentE/R 设备交接单,equipment receipt
  Inland Transport Charge 内陆运输费
  LCL Service Charge 拼箱服务费
  Terminal Handling Charges 堆场服务费
  Fee for Use Container and Other Equipments 集装箱及其他设备使用费Box-rate 包箱费率
  FAK FAK包箱费率,freight for all kinds,不分种类,不计量,统一单箱花费FCS FCS包箱费率,freight for class,不同货物分级收费,W/MFCB FCB包箱费率,freight for class & basis